LAP Alliance Community
Let’s drive the global Movement together!
Why another Community?
The current Constraint
Although Lean-Agile Procurement is already 7 years old, there are still only a limited number of organizations, leaders, Agile coaches and stakeholders who are aware of it.
We need to get it into the hands of more procurement and business leaders, stakeholders, etc to drive the global movement and create an even bigger impact on the environment and society together!
TOP 3 Challenges
1. Stakeholders typically believe in what's popular.
2. Stakeholders typically believe in what's recommended to them.
3. Stakeholders typically believe in success stories.

3 Ways you can help
Exchange Experiences
By exchanging experiences in LAP we wanna make it better and more popular
Join the virtual open spaces
Exchange Challenges, Ressources & Stats
Experiment & provide success Stories
Develop Lean-Agile Procurement together beyond Sourcing towards Adaptive Partner Ecosystems
Share your Cases
By sharing more case studies from different inducstries, sectors and regions all around thew world we are increasing confidence for others
Share your cases that have applied similar principles
Co-Publish your case on our platform in your name
Talk about your cases and experiences at conferences in your own community and reagion
Spread the World
By spreading LAP all over the world we wanna increase the awareness
Like & forward all news at any social media channel
Post your own experiences, thoughts, success stories
Get this in hands of the people we are trying to reach.
Become a promoter in your country
What do you get
Get in touch and keep the connection
to like-minded people that believe in the same set of values and wanna create a bigger impact to the environment and sociaty
New Capabilites & Experiences
Get access to unique Contents in our Member Area, benefit from discounts for your next LAP Certification course and improving your Capabilities and your chances in the Job Market
By sharing your Case Studies, recording an interview, speaking at conferences about LAP you’ll get a global recognition and improve your standing in the community
Become a LAP Alliance Community Member NOW
The Premium Community Membership grants access to advanced Contents such as the official Book, Downloads and Community Events. Everytime you take one of our Certification Courses the Premium Membership is prolonged by another year.
The official Book is included in the Premium Membership
Member Benefits by Plan
The LAP Alliance offers its members 3 different plans: Free, Basic (free but registration required) and Premium Community Membership. Please find below the benefits of each plan.
Please note: Each Certification Course includes a 1 year Subscription to our Premium Community Membership
Member Benefits / Plan
Public available contents on Website (Blog, ..)
Public Community Events
Case Studies from public & private Sector (PDF Format)
Newsletter (Monthly Update)
Pricing for Individuals
*Registration required
**All Prices are annual subscriptions, excl. VAT and have to be payed in advance.
Annual Report State of Agility in Procurement & Supply (PDF Download)
The official Book about Lean-Agile Procurement (PDF or ePub)
LAP Alliance White Papers (PDF Download)
1 hour FREE Consulting by a Certified LAP Trainer of your choice
Templates, Checklists, Patterns, etc. (File Download)
Private Community Events
LAP Starter Kit in Miro.com / Mural.co (coming soon)
Certificants Registry (Find your next talent, companies that apply LAP, or just peers)
20% Discount on your next Certification Workshop (Reference is always the Regular Price)
Pricing for Organizations (up to 20 People)
*Some of the premium content is available for purchase.
CHF 149**
CHF 2,380**