Explore our Certifications
Our LAP Learning Journey
We offer accredited Lean-Agile Procurement™ Certificate Courses, to help you successfully solve complex Problems with your Partners. The coures are designed for a brought audience, while we divide between specific courses for Government or highly Regulated organizations and all others.
All the Lean-Agile Procurement™ Certificate Courses can be ordered as private classes as well. More and more of our customers include the whole learning journey in their internal Academy.
In any of these cases please contact our Certfied LAP Trainers, or if you’re a Certification Body or University and wanna include some of our Courses in your Curriculum contact the LAP Alliance Executive Board.
Our Courses in a Nutshell
Basics Course
for everyone
…in 2 days!
Basic Course for all in the public sector
…in 2 days!
Scrum in Procurement & Supply for Everyone
…in 2 days!
Online simulation of the
Big Room Workshop
... in 4 hours, followed by a 3 week learning journey!
Click on the Badges to
Jump to the Course details
Agile Contracts
... in 4 hours, followed by a 3 week learning journey!
Negotiating based on
Agile Values & Principles
... in 4 hours, followed by a 3 week learning journey!

Certified Practitioner in Lean-Agile Procurement
Exactly the right course to set up Agile Cross-Company Teams as quickly as possible and to find external partners or services according to agile values & principles.
The course includes an LAP Alliance self-assessment and practical application of Lean-Agile Procurement using real cases from participants.
Our next Certified LAP PRACTITIONER™ Course:
Certified Practitioner in Lean-Agile Procurement for Government
Find external partners or services according to agile values & principles under public law.
The course includes an LAP Alliance self-assessment and practical application of Lean-Agile Procurement using real cases from participants.
Our next Certified LAP PRACTITIONER for Government™ Course:
Already a Scrum Master then join us directly on Day 2 and learn the specific application of Scrum in Procurement, Sales & Account Management.
Certified LAP Scrum Practitioner in Procurement & Supply
Learn Scrum, the operating system of Lean-Agile Procurement and use it to improve your ways of working in commercial functions of the organization such as procurement, sales, account management.
The course includes an LAP Alliance self-assessment and practical application of Scrum using unique real cases in supportive functions.
Our next Certified LAP Scrum Practitioner™ Course:
What our Participants say:
Become a Certified LAP Coach™ and create your personal Learning Journey through our Advanced LAP Modules.
Advanced LAP Module - Big Room Simulation
On the way to becoming a Certified LAP Coach, learn in an online role play how different providers create their offers at the same time.
The course also includes a learning journey of a further 3 weeks of guided learning including practice transfer and all the necessary practices to prepare & deliver a Big Room workshop.
Our next Advance LAP Module - Big Room Simulation™ Course:
Advanced LAP Module - Lean-Agile Agreements
On the way to becoming a Certified LAP Coach, everyone learns our knowledge about Agile contracts and how they optimally support Agile implementation.
The course also includes a learning journey of a further 3 weeks of guided learning including practice transfer and contract examples.
Our next Advance LAP Module - Lean-Agile Agreements™ Course:
Advanced LAP Module - Commercial Conversation
On the way to becoming a Certified LAP Coach, learn how to sustainably change negotiations according to agile values & principles.
The course also includes a learning journey of another 3 weeks of guided learning including practice transfer and role plays.
Our next Advance LAP Module - Commercial Conversation™ Course:
Advanced LAP Module - Adaptive Partner Ecosystem
On the way to becoming a Certified LAP Coach, learn how to setup and improve partner ecosystems (formerly supply chains) based on a win-win mindset.
The course is based on the revolutionary management model invented by Haier and is currently in a pilot mode (2-3 hours workshop). In the future we’ll offer a learning journey.